Okay I am excited and worried at the same time. I'm not sure if Obama is going to run for president but I know Edwards is. I said about two years ago that I would like too see a Edwards/Obama ticket for the 2008 election. I think that would be great. You see I think having Obama as the vice president will give him the desired experience he needs in the White House. Then in 2016 he can run for president. i'm not sure if this country is ready for Obama. I like John Edwards and his ideas. I think if he had ran instead of John Kerry then the election would have turned out quite different. What do you think? I know I'm a black man that would rather see Edwards in than Obama. No not really, first of all it has nothing to do with race. I like them both. I hope Obama does great in the election if he decides to run. I just think he could have a little more experience and that being vice president for 8 years or 4 would be great. Okay peace out.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
What I hope happens for the future
Okay I am excited and worried at the same time. I'm not sure if Obama is going to run for president but I know Edwards is. I said about two years ago that I would like too see a Edwards/Obama ticket for the 2008 election. I think that would be great. You see I think having Obama as the vice president will give him the desired experience he needs in the White House. Then in 2016 he can run for president. i'm not sure if this country is ready for Obama. I like John Edwards and his ideas. I think if he had ran instead of John Kerry then the election would have turned out quite different. What do you think? I know I'm a black man that would rather see Edwards in than Obama. No not really, first of all it has nothing to do with race. I like them both. I hope Obama does great in the election if he decides to run. I just think he could have a little more experience and that being vice president for 8 years or 4 would be great. Okay peace out.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Happy Holidays
Monday, December 04, 2006
On the Sunset Strip

Okay here is the deal here. I just got through watching one of my favorite shows: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and Heroes. I tape these two shows every Monday night along with How I Met Your Mother and The Class. I watch the Prison Break. I know I'm a lame, but Studio 60 was so good tonight with the dialogue and the music and everything. It was very heartwarming. I never thought I could get that much into a show, but Studio 60 has me hooked. I just want to that tonight was a great night for TV.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
My first game of the 06-07 season

Out of the blue today, I decided tat I would go and see the Bulls play the Knicks. I knew it would be a good game because Bulls vs Knicks are always great. The only thing that I was really worried about was finding a ten dollar ticket. I couldn't find one online so I just took a chance at the United Center right before the game. My luck was not luck. I had to buy a standing room only ticket for 20 bucks. I'm a die hard so I went ahead and bought the ticket. So as I went through the United Center through Gate 2 to check my bag, I was trying to figure out where to go in this huge place. Finally I went all the way up but I didn't know if I had to stand up or not. So i found a seat and I sat down. It's kind of like the Press Box View on NBA Live. It was nice. Four guys from Forever Plaid Sang the National Anthem. (it turned out that I went to school with one of the singers) So there was a nice tribute to the old Bulls to the new, which makes you want to cry if you are a true Bulls fan. I love Sloan and Stormin Norman. Anyway on with the game. All I can say is this it was worth the 20 dollars. Ben Wallace did a pretty decent job. Ben Gordan played a good game as well. As i matter of fact everyone who got some decent minutes did a great job. I was just looking forward to the free Big Mac and seeing Viktor Khryapa geting in the game.
Overall I would say besides the 4.25 price on the ice cream bar that this was a pleasant experience.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Kosmo Kramer A.K.A Racist Pig
Ok I heard about this but I didn't want to believe this crap. So I went on youtube and watched for myself. I just just lost total respect for Michael Richards, you know the guy who played Kramer on Seinfield. I watched this video and I was appalled. He just kept repeating the word over and over. When he said 50 years ago you would have been hanging from trees with a fork up your ass. I mean come on man. What a racist. I mean I have never heard anything so hateful from anyone. Why can't people just I dunno stop being asses. I want to see how much press this gets. I want to see if this gets as much press as Mel Gibson's tirades went. The thing about Mel Gibson's is this. We didn't see Mel, but we sure saw Mr. Richards. This is ridicuolous. People are still freakin racists in this country. I don't even jnow why I am responding to this. But I am. I mean we still have these stupid celebrities out there such as O.J.
O.J., if he did it or not, I don't care, but why in the hell would you write a book, If I did it it this is how I did it.
What kind of bull is that? Are you such a narcissistist that you have to stupid shit like that. Whatever. People are just full of it all.
I'm done here
O.J., if he did it or not, I don't care, but why in the hell would you write a book, If I did it it this is how I did it.
What kind of bull is that? Are you such a narcissistist that you have to stupid shit like that. Whatever. People are just full of it all.
I'm done here
Monday, November 20, 2006
Today is a Day
Good Morning everyone. Today i am at my new job. Believe it or not. I'm a lab technician at one of the City Colleges of Chicago. Computers though not chemistry. I'm pretty satisfied right now with my life. I have a couple of gigs this weekend so I have a lot to be thankful for. So I will bid adieu for now. Go Bears and the Bulls need to do something
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Couldn't sleep so I went out to vote!

All right. I had a problem this morning. I couldn't sleep. So I decided to get off of my ass and go across the street and vote. Might as well get it over with. You know, I had two choices as well to vote. I could use the touch screen or the paper ballot. Guess what I chose?
I chose the paper. For some reason I don't trust those touch screens especially after I saw the movie Man of the Year with Robin Williams! I highly recommend it. So it was nice to vote and get it over with. Of course I voted all Democratic. I didn't see any Republicans that I liked. I don't think I ever will. Which brings me to another point.
Yesterday I watched Alexandra Pelosi's documentary Diary of a Political Tourist.
It made me think about the democrats and the upcoming election in 08. I'm not sure who is going to be running for president in 08. I wish Howard Dean would have been on the ticket in 04 instead of Kerry. Kerry just seems so dry. Do you agree with me on that? I would like to see John Edwards run or maybe even Sir Albert! One thing though that is cool is going out to vote. It's very important. Check you guys outr later.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Can You Believe This?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
It is a new day!
Okay last night I got to watch the Bulls dismantle the Miami Heat. I've never seen the Bulls play like that.They were fast and furious. I just wanted to say that I am a big fan and that I am saying that they will when it all. Now I know this picture is of another Bulls team but guess what? They won a championship. Here's hoping the 06-07 Bulls do the same thing!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Not feeling so good
You know what? I'm not feeling to good right now. My throat is killing me. It seems like when I go to sleep it gets worst. i'm not sure what to do. I have to be doing a play very soon and as of right now I feel like crap. I can still talk it just hurts. Well I'm going to cut off now. I'm going to go back to sleep. You see when I get sick I kind of cut off from society till I get better. This is actually the first time that i've been really sick in a year. I think I'm going to go to the doctor. Maybe I can get some antibiotics!
Monday, October 23, 2006
I'm back

Okay check this out. Since I can import my blog on blogger on facebook, I decided to start posting again. I'm not sure if anyone is going to actually read this. I um, I'm tired. I feel like I'm not doing something right. I'm not sure what it is though. I do know this though, I'm a jazz nut. However today I felt like a choir geek all over again. I mean, I'm in this alumni rehearsal and all the choir geekness just poors out of me. Not singing in a choral group for about 3 years has been tough. I mean I've been singing in a choral group since i was in 2nd grade. Somehow I feel like i've become lazy with my singing, choral wise that is.You know what's weird as well is that I used to be very spriritual. I'm not as much as I was. I mean there's not a lot of religion in singing ballads. But anyway i'm going to get some shut eye and get some sleep. Good Night and Good Luck
Saturday, July 08, 2006
It's been a long time
You know I haven't written in this blog for a while. I don't think anyone really reads it. I mean with the whole myspace thing going on, it's hard to keep it up. I'm in a pretty decent mood today. Some people say it's love. I have no idea. I'm a little worried about tommorow. I don't want to be hurt again, but I feel I must do what I have to do.
I hope all is well with everyone. Peace
I hope all is well with everyone. Peace
Sunday, January 01, 2006
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