All right. I had a problem this morning. I couldn't sleep. So I decided to get off of my ass and go across the street and vote. Might as well get it over with. You know, I had two choices as well to vote. I could use the touch screen or the paper ballot. Guess what I chose?
I chose the paper. For some reason I don't trust those touch screens especially after I saw the movie Man of the Year with Robin Williams! I highly recommend it. So it was nice to vote and get it over with. Of course I voted all Democratic. I didn't see any Republicans that I liked. I don't think I ever will. Which brings me to another point.
Yesterday I watched Alexandra Pelosi's documentary Diary of a Political Tourist.
It made me think about the democrats and the upcoming election in 08. I'm not sure who is going to be running for president in 08. I wish Howard Dean would have been on the ticket in 04 instead of Kerry. Kerry just seems so dry. Do you agree with me on that? I would like to see John Edwards run or maybe even Sir Albert! One thing though that is cool is going out to vote. It's very important. Check you guys outr later.
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