Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kosmo Kramer A.K.A Racist Pig

Ok I heard about this but I didn't want to believe this crap. So I went on youtube and watched for myself. I just just lost total respect for Michael Richards, you know the guy who played Kramer on Seinfield. I watched this video and I was appalled. He just kept repeating the word over and over. When he said 50 years ago you would have been hanging from trees with a fork up your ass. I mean come on man. What a racist. I mean I have never heard anything so hateful from anyone. Why can't people just I dunno stop being asses. I want to see how much press this gets. I want to see if this gets as much press as Mel Gibson's tirades went. The thing about Mel Gibson's is this. We didn't see Mel, but we sure saw Mr. Richards. This is ridicuolous. People are still freakin racists in this country. I don't even jnow why I am responding to this. But I am. I mean we still have these stupid celebrities out there such as O.J.

O.J., if he did it or not, I don't care, but why in the hell would you write a book, If I did it it this is how I did it.

What kind of bull is that? Are you such a narcissistist that you have to stupid shit like that. Whatever. People are just full of it all.

I'm done here

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